
Deviated Septum

Finding a Deviated Septum Doctor in Houston: Who, When, and Where

June 3, 2021

5 minutes

Reviewed by Michael Kaplan, MD

If you’re having difficulty breathing through your nose and suspect that a deviated septum may be the reason why, then working with a deviated septum doctor in Houston might be the best next step towards finding relief. 

A deviated septum can negatively impact your life by reducing your quality of sleep, making it harder to breathe, and potentially leading to uncomfortable infections. 

But what kind of doctor is a “deviated septum doctor”? Is septoplasty (deviated septum surgery) always the best option?  And what are the signs that should prompt you to look deeper into this specific type of nasal treatment? The trusted sinus experts at Kaplan Sinus Relief explain. 

What kind of doctor fixes a deviated septum? 

If you’re contemplating deviated septum surgery, then you’ll need to seek out an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctor, also called a sinus doctor or sinus surgeon. These doctors are trained in performing septoplasty, which is a common surgical procedure meant to improve breathing and fix a crooked septum.

During the procedure, the doctor must reform and reposition your nose cartilage in order to achieve deviated septum relief. While some deviated septum situations only require a simple realignment, other cases may have multiple issues at play. For these reasons, it’s important to do your research and find an experienced and skilled ENT doctor.

When to start looking for a deviated septum doctor in Houston

There are a few signs you should look for when it comes to septoplasty. These signs are your indicator that it’s time to seek out a deviated septum doctor in Houston (or at the very least, to schedule an appointment for a checkup).

Signs you may need a deviated septum doctor:

  • You’re having issues sleeping: A deviated septum can make it more difficult to breathe through your nose, which can ultimately have an impact on your quality of sleep. This can lead to additional issues such as snoring and can leave you feeling fatigued throughout the day. Deviated septum and sleep apnea is also a common occurrence. 
  • You’re struggling to breathe through your nose in general: Aside from difficulty breathing through your nose while you’re sleeping, regularly struggling to breathe through your nose during the day can also be an indicator that you’re suffering from deviated septum issues.
  • You’re having sense-of-smell issues: In some instances, a deviated septum can actually impact your sense of smell and taste. If you notice this sign along with other nasal-related issues, seek out an ENT.
  • You’re suffering from sinus infections: A deviated septum can create less than perfect conditions within your nose and lead to repeated sinus infections as a result. 
  • You’re experiencing regular nose bleeds: The restricted airflow inside your nose can create dry conditions. This can cause bloody noses on a semi-regular basis.

Keep in mind, some of these signs can correlate with other nasal issues. So, if you are experiencing any of these signs, a deviated septum doctor in Houston can help you narrow down what issue (or issues) you’re dealing with. 

Related Content: Can a deviated septum cause snoring?

How does deviated septum surgery work?

Nasal obstruction caused by a deviated septum can be difficult to manage and live with, so it would not be a surprise if you’re considering septoplasty. However, compared to other nasal procedures such as balloon sinuplasty for snoring relief and ClariFix for chronic rhinitis, septoplasty is certainly more invasive. With the right ENT at your side, though, there should be absolutely nothing to worry about.

Here are a few things to expect with septoplasty:

  • General anesthesia is required
  • No incisions are made outside of the nose, only inside
  • Nasal structures are adjusted during the procedure
  • The membrane on top of the septum will be lifted during the adjustment and replaced
  • The procedure itself lasts around one hour
  • Swelling and mild discomfort should be expected post-procedure
  • The recovery process (in total) can take up to a few weeks
  • You can return to work within a few days

Work with an experienced deviated septum doctor in Houston 

If you’re struggling with snoring, sinus infections, or other sinus-related issues, we’d love to talk. At Kaplan Sinus Relief, we give the people of Houston the tools to breathe better every day. 

With expertise in balloon sinuplasty, ClariFix, allergies, and more, we can help you determine if septoplasty is the proper procedure for you and, if necessary, help you identify any additional complications and treatments.

To learn more about your condition, feel free to take our balloon sinuplasty quiz or contact us online to schedule a consultation

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