There’s no such thing as a tolerable sinus infection. It likely won’t take more than a few sinus infections to wonder, “when is sinus surgery necessary?” Between sneezing, congestion, headaches, and pains, even a short sinus infection causes extreme discomfort. For some, just going to the doctor for a quick fix or riding out the infection with over-the-counter medications is sufficient treatment, but others may require a more strategic solution.
Houston living can (and often does) wreak havoc on your sinuses.Sometimes a less frequent severe sinus infection might seem similar to sinusitis from humidity, or general chronic nasal congestion. However, if your sinus infections are unmanageable and/or recurring, it may be time to consider the different types of sinus surgery. Here are factors to keep in mind as you consider your sinus treatment options.
When is Sinus Surgery Necessary? Chronic Sinusitis
One of the most important differentiators between manageable and unbearable sinus infections is Chronic Sinusitis. Chronic Sinusitis is the medical term for recurring sinus infections that can last for periods up to eight weeks long. Unlike a typical sinus infection—which can eventually heal on its own—Chronic Sinusitis requires treatment from a medical professional. Even with treatment, Chronic Sinusitis can still create a cycle of sinus infections, which look like this:
- A bacterial infection forms in the sinuses
- Swelling from the infection interferes with normal drainage
- The infected fluid builds up to such a large amount that it’s able to survive antibiotics
- Biofilms develop near the bone, allowing the bacteria to become a persistent problem
Once this vicious cycle starts, it’s difficult to stop, and typical sinus treatment options may only do so much good. If conventional treatments fail to provide any lasting relief, it may be in your best interest to pursue surgery.
You May Also Consider Surgery With Recurring Sinus Infections
If your standard sinus treatments work only temporarily, you may be a candidate for sinus surgery. Check that you meet the following requirements for surgery eligibility before calling your nearest sinus center.
- You get sinus infections four or more times during a calendar year
- You have pursued allergy treatments without success
- Use of typical sinus treatments including decongestants and steroids has no meaningful benefit
- A doctor has noted that there is a physical obstruction of your sinuses
If any of these factors apply to you—especially physiological factors that prevent proper drainage—you may be an ideal candidate for sinus surgery.
Do You Need Sinus Surgery? Contact Kaplan Sinus Relief Today!
So when is sinus surgery necessary? If the symptoms and situations that we’ve described apply to you, Kaplan Sinus Relief offers a range of personalized sinus surgery options, including:
- Balloon Sinuplasty (now offered with full anesthesia)
- Endoscopic sinus surgery
- Image-guided sinus surgery
- Turbinate reduction
- Deviated septum repair (septoplasty)
Contact Kaplan Sinus Relief today to schedule an appointment and rediscover a healthier, more comfortable life.