We know that allergies can cause symptoms such as congestion, sinus headaches, nasal swelling, but have you ever wondered, “Can allergies cause fatigue?” In fact, allergies can cause fatigue and tiredness in patients who suffer from seasonal and/or chronic allergies.
But why and how do allergies make us tired? And how can Texans struggling with allergies in Houston (including the under-discussed fall allergies in Houston) can find relief from their allergy-related fatigue?
How your allergies might be making you tired
Most people who ask themselves, “Why do I feel so tired all the time?” wind up blaming their fatigue on being stressed, overworked, or other external causes. Others may point to a lack of sleep or getting poor sleep. While these potential culprits can contribute to lack of sleep, there’s another suspect whom Houstonians should keep in mind: allergies.
Very few people suspect that their allergies can rob them of quality rest or make them feel tired, but they can, and for multiple reasons. The next time you ask yourself, “Why do I feel so tired all the time or even, “Can allergies cause fatigue?” remember these three things:
- Allergy patients who believe their fatigue is caused by a lack of sound sleep may be on to something. Allergies can cause your nasal cavities to swell and your mucus production to increase. Swollen nasal passageways and congestion can make it hard for you to breath while you’re sleeping. Post-nasal drip can make you cough and leave you feeling nauseous, both of which can keep you up at night.
- Allergy symptoms are the signs of your body putting in a lot of effort to ward off a “foreign invader.” Your body fends off allergies with its immune system (yes, the same immune system that fends off colds or stomach aches), and the immune system requires energy to work. One reason your allergies may be making you tired is that your body has expended a lot of its resources in its epic battle against the pollen, dust, etc. that it has deemed harmful.
- Many patients use OTC medicine to treat their allergies. A major ingredient of many allergy medications (including Benadryl) is antihistamines. Antihistamines have been shown to make patients drowsy.
Allergy sufferers may struggle with one or more of these fatigue-inducing issues. If someone is indeed feeling stressed, overworked, or fighting insomnia, allergies can turn a tiring situation into an exhausting one.
Can allergies cause fatigue and body aches?
Once patients ask and receive the answer to the question, “Can allergies cause fatigue?” they are apt to wonder if allergies might be behind other frustrating symptoms. One of these lesser-known symptoms of allergies is body aches.
Allergies cause inflammation not only in your nasal tissues but in other areas of your body as well, including the tissues in your joints. This inflammation can cause body aches, which can be compounded by fatigue. Allergy-related body aches may also stem from frequent snoring or coughing, which can create wear and tear on a patient’s body.
Can allergies cause fatigue and dizziness?
Another frequently overlooked potential symptom of allergies is that of dizziness. Your nasal passageways and middle ear are connected via a tube called the Eustachian tube, which plays a role in providing you with balance. When your allergies start acting up, your Eustachian tube may be affected, causing dizziness and even vertigo.
Can allergies cause fatigue and brain fog?
The answer to the questions, “Can allergies cause fatigue?” and, “Can allergies cause brain fog?” are very intertwined. Brain fog — confusion and a lack of mental clarity — is technically a symptom of a symptom; the combination of tiredness and swollen nasal passages caused by allergies can lead to brain fog.
Don’t know how to fix your allergy fatigue? Balloon sinuplasty at Kaplan Sinus Relief could help.
Can allergies cause fatigue? Yes. But does knowing that help you fix your allergy fatigue? Not really. And if your allergies haven’t responded to traditional treatments and are making you tired all the time, then a more strategic approach might be necessary.
At Kaplan Sinus Relief, we help you breathe freely again with procedures like ClariFix for chronic rhinitis and allergies and balloon sinuplasty.
Balloon sinuplasty, a non-invasive, in-office procedure that has provided patients with long-lasting results, and has become an increasingly attractive option for those suffering from allergy-related fatigue. During the procedure, your ENT uses a tiny to balloon to widen the nasal passageways, restore normal drainage, and help you breathe at night.
The best part? The procedure takes less than 20 minutes and most patients are back at work between 24 and 48 hours.
Kaplan Sinus Relief has been a pioneer for the balloon sinuplasty procedure. Our staff is here to answer any of your sinus questions and help you find relief. So, curious whether traditional sinus surgery helps allergies? Wondering if you’re a good balloon sinuplasty candidate?
Request an appointment or call Kaplan Sinus Relief at 713-766-1818 today.
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