

Tips and Tricks for Preventing Spring Allergies

March 1, 2017

3 minutes

Reviewed by Michael Kaplan, MD

During this time of year, allergies affect a lot of us. As a matter of fact, at least 1 in 5 Americans have allergies. If you have itchy eyes, congestion, and constant sneezing – it’s possible that you have allergies and just don’t realize it. Factors such as pollen, mold, animal dander or certain foods can set off these symptoms. It can be a nuisance, but there are a few ways you can find relief and prevent your allergies.

Track Symptoms
Start keeping track of when your allergy symptoms appear, when they are at their peaks, and when you notice signs of relief. By keeping an allergy journal, you can track when you have allergy attacks and try to start identifying any consistent trends behind them to help determine the cause. It might take time and research to figure out all the substances that trigger your reactions, but it’s a good start.

Along with keeping track of your allergy symptoms, you can download an allergy app to find out what allergens will be strong in your area. By cross-referencing the app to your journal, you can take notes on what might be triggering your allergy attacks the most. Additionally, you can visit the National Allergy Bureau website and check out their daily ranking of allergens.

Avoid Triggers
Once you know what causes your allergies, you can work on avoiding them. With careful planning, you can limit your exposure to allergens by adopting certain cleaning habits. One strategy is to stay inside when high-allergen alerts are reported or delay your outdoor activities until later in the day when pollen levels are lower. If you must be outside, wear an N95 filter mask to keep pollen out of your nose and mouth.

Dust-proof and prevent allergens from staying in your home with encased pillows, washed bedding, and frequent vacuuming. As a rule of thumb, you should wash your bedding weekly in water that is at least 140 degrees (this temperature will ensure that all dust mites are eliminated). Shutting your windows will prevent additional allergens from getting inside. If you know that cats and dogs trigger allergic reactions, avoid them. If you do want to have a pet of your own, consider hypoallergenic breeds and use high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters that are replaced every three to six months.

Get Tested
If tracking your allergies doesn’t give you the answers or relief you need, you should call an allergist and schedule testing. This helps you eliminate the guess work and determine both what you are and are not allergic to. Once you have been tested for allergies, you and your doctor can create a personalized treatment plan to meet your specific allergy needs. Allergy tests are quick and relatively painless. Your doctor can test your reaction to a wide variety of allergens and use your medical history to paint a more complete picture of what allergens are affecting you.

Ready to discover lasting allergy relief? The doctors at Kaplan Sinus Relief provide fully accurate, comprehensive allergy testing. Don’t spend this spring suffering with allergies! Schedule your allergy screening today!


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